leaf me alone, i'm reading

I'll have to knit one of these to keep for myself one day.  I'm giving them all away.  Here's a new lace bookmark design.  I call it (actually, Wayne thought of the title) "Leaf me alone, I'm reading".  We stopped by Fiber Art, Inc. last Saturday and I bought 3 more balls of Mini Mochi in different colorways.  I've got enough now to knit 30 or so more bookmarks.  The pattern for "Leaf me alone" is here.

I'm accumulating quite an assortment of bookmarks of all kinds.  The Ephemera Society of America posts an article on the history of bookmarks.  Yet another collection.  Add it to the dragons (I will post about them, eventually), orchids, skulls...can't leave out the knitting yarn, needles, and patterns (those seem to multiply like breeding rabbits!).  I have bookmarks in two books I'm reading now: Aimee Bender's The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake, and The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year Volume Four.   Ephemera.  What a wonderful word.
From knitting
From knitting
From knitting


Fluzz said…
Hi, the link isn't working :(
libraryleigh said…
I'm going to upload the pdf to Ravelry to make things easier. In the meantime, try this link. It should work without a login...

Let me know if that works for you :-)
Unknown said…
I love the new bookmark.
libraryleigh said…
A...is that you, Amanda? I'll send you one. And a tshirt...it's a surprise design. Miss you tons. P.S. If "A" is not Amanda...nevermind.
What a LOVELY bookmark!! I just completed a simple shawl with Noro Kureyon Sock, and this shall be a wonderful way to use up those leftover 10grams!

I decided to come and "leaf" a comment here since you said your blog is lonely.....

THANK YOU for sharing this!
libraryleigh said…
Thank you, Whimsy. I can't wait to see what it looks like in that lovely Noro yarn.
Unknown said…
This is so beautiful. I've been wanting to try lace and I think this is perfect to start with. Thank you for sharing.

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