Bananas, Strawberries and Apples

I've come to the conclusion that I have so many WIPs (works in progress) because I simply cannot finish one thing before starting something else. I have an idea, and I have to run with it, even though I haven't finished the last (2, 3, or 4) ideas. My day off today was no exception. The thing is, I do finish eventually. And today I finished several WIPs. So it was a good day.

Kim and Krue visited for lunch. Krue and I both had runny sneezy noses, so I cut us up some apples. I'm quite a neat apple eater, but Krue prefers to crush his apple pieces into little microbial bits before eating about 10 percent of them, then smearing the rest on his face, clothes and anything else within reach. After they left, Wayne took Sasha to the vet for her annual shots. While they were gone, I made muffins. I wrote previously about this wonderful James Beard recipe for banana nut bread, but I've tweaked it by adding strawberries, which are plentiful here this time of year and delicious combined with bananas. Substitute about 3/4 cup of very ripe smashed strawberries for some of the banana and cut up the walnuts very finely (I didn't have walnuts, so used pecans). I use a tip from Hello, Cupcake! (a book my friends, Jimi & Leon gave me for my birthday) to make the muffins. Put a large zip lock bag into a container to hold it and pour the batter in. Gently press out the air and seal, then cut a triangle out of the corner. Use it to squeeze the batter into the muffin tins and fill about 3/4's full. It's really neat and easy. I doubled the recipe since I had enough overripe bananas, so it made about 5 dozen muffins.

I worked on Dave's neverending scarf. The thing never seems to get any longer. I worked on my rat mat for the cats and then I painted a tshirt to wear to work on casual days. Here's the shirt:

The colors are all metallic, but that doesn't really show here.  The goldish color is really copper.  I have this idea of doing these for everyone at the your hobby and I'll paint the dewey decimal number and an icon on a shirt!  It's freehand (I used to be a sign painter in another life), and I forgot how much I love painting.  I just have to let it cure for a day, then iron both sides for about 30 seconds each and it will be washable.

More apples are forecast.  I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of my iPod's big brother (or sister?).  I ordered a new iMac from Apple Sunday night.  Got the shipping notice today.  I should have my very first Apple computer by next week.


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