Orchid People

I've been off work this week.  My vacation (and one county furlough day) was mostly spent cleaning out closets, getting ready for a yardsale on Saturday.  It was beautiful weather and I got a sunburn but that felt good because it's been such a long stretch of awful weather (I don't expect sympathy from anyone living north of Florida).  We made enough to go to the Tampa Bay Orchid Society's Annual Orchid Show and Sale at the Egypt Shrine Temple today.

We came away with 7 new orchid plants.  We always vow to buy just one or two.  That never works. We came home with a phalaenopsis - KV Golden Star, laeliocattleya - Love Knot 'Blackberry' x c. Bactia 'Grape Wax", a vanda - Mimi Palmer,  another phal. - Glory, a tiny otz (oncidium x Rodriguezia x Tolumnia) Chantilly Mist x RCDM Apple Blossom, and two very unusual orchids, one a dendrobium Spectabile and the other is a grammatophyllum scriptum.  The last one, the "gramm", is related to the world's largest known orchid, the grammatophyllum speciocum or Tiger Orchid.  The Brooklyn Botanic Garden has one blooming now.  That plant weighs 200 pounds.  The dendrobium spectabile was purchased from Louis Del Favero Orchids, one of my favorite sellers.  He had some on display, but not with bloomspikes.  He reached behind the counter and said he was saving one with three bloomspikes just for someone he knew - ME.  In about 6 weeks, I should have some spectacular spectabile blooms to post!  Yardsale cash effectively spent!  One meets such nice people at orchid shows.  We're all part of the club, and chat amiably with each other even if we've never seen each other before.

When we got home, we went straight to the backyard and put the bareroot orchids in baskets and pots, rearranged to move all of the catlleyas to a sunnier location and sat back to enjoy.


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