Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder

Where the hell did the last month go?  I've been busy knitting 'stealth projects', as Wendy says on her blog.  I recently purchased Wendy Knits Lace and discovered that I don't yet have enough needles.  I have several sets of interchangeable circular needles, addi clicks and knitpicks options as well as dpns and straights.  I look to the interchangeables to do most everything, but there is a reason they are not normally used for small things like hats and cowls.  I think that needs a remedy.  The needles on interchangeable sets are longish to account for the joining hardware for the cables. When a 16 inch circular needle is called for, that includes the length of the needles, not just the cable.  I've got to purchase a 16 inch circular in every freaking size now, because I have Wendy's book.  And I want to knit everything in it, especially Elizabeth's Cowl.

Hey, KnitPicks, why don't you come up with a small interchangeable set?

In the meantime, I want to share my son David's new hobby.  He's been making pens with his lathe.  Most of these pictured are made from the little blocks of wood used as spacers in cigar boxes.  They have wonderful weight and balance.  I really like writing with them.
From Blogger Pictures

The Amazon Lily that my friend Tom gave me is blooming for the first time.
From Blogger Pictures
The bulbophyllum Marv Reagan is going nuts with blooms.
From Blogger Pictures
And...the Valentine's Day Phalaenopsis (Chlan Xen Lady) is still blooming with no sign of letting up. 
From Blogger Pictures
That's an orchid that has been blooming now for almost 9 months.  I'm thinking of contacting Guinness.  I could us a case of stout.


Mara Acoma said…
I love orchids but can't even keep them alive let alone flowering. Don't suppose there is any chance of you doing some posts with advice on that front is there?

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