it's a bird!...

As is our habit, my husband and I were sitting on the back porch watching birds at the feeders earlier this evening.  He said, "what kind of bird is that?", causing me to look up from my ipad and squint at the faraway feeder.  "IT'S A ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK!", I fairly yelled.  "You're making that up", responded the spouse.  Into the house for the older Panasonic Lumix...I tried to take a picture of the rare bird sighting.  Here is the result:

Okay, so I didn't hold the camera perfectly steady, and the 10x optical zoom didn't work magic by capturing a perfect image of this beautiful male specimen.  These birds are not seen in central Florida often, in fact, rarely south of Georgia.  They love oil sunflower, like cardinals, their kin.  They have several lovely songs.  Here is a picture that someone else took...

Do I need a bigger, badder camera or RTFM for the one I've had for years?  At least, I know I have to have the camera out in the yard, just in case the unusual happens...oh, and look up from the ipad now and then.


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