tgif blooms

Yeah, it's Friday.  I'm working tomorrow.  Our library is open 7 days a week, so some Saturdays and Sundays are work days for me.  But tomorrow, I work with two of my favorite people, Michelle and Annamae, so it will be a good day.  I decree it.

It's mid-summer in central Florida, and it's been rainy (even more than usual).  That means rampant growth of not just the stuff we want to grow, but the weeds and the fungi and the algae.  Pulling weeds for most people is a chore.  For me, it's therapeutic.  Algae takes a pressure washer and that's the hubby's job.  He likes it, and takes it to the max by pressure washing anything that's not moving.  Watch out, Caliope!

Orchids in bloom right now include these beauties...
From orchids
From orchids
From orchids
From orchids
All of them have captions with their names, which you can see if you click on the picture. The names just go to show that you can't judge the color they will be by the name, especially if you buy them when they're not blooming. The beautiful pink vanda is named " v. kultan blue x dr. anek"...and it's very very pink. I was hoping for blue, but I guess the "x" - means it's crossed with something that makes it pink. The lc. blue dynasty is a very pale lavender with a purple lip and yellow throat. Again, not BLUE! Blue flowers are my favorite, and I'll keep looking for them.

More from the garden are these pictures of our "Voodoo Forest", which now has 19 voodoo lilies in it. I foresee a time when we'll have to dig them up and plant them away from the house as they get bigger (and smellier). Even the one that bloomed for the first time this spring, sprouted the tree like form. They divide and multiply (and possibly conquer, if you don't give some away now and then).
From Garden
From Garden
From Garden
This Hoya smells like chocolate. Yum.


Unknown said…
I love working with you, too!

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