halloween orchids

Slightly cooler evenings have the autumn orchids blooming.  It's been incredibly dry, making it necessary to water.  The rain-barrel is nearly empty.  There are buds on several orchids that haven't bloomed in a couple of years, and even one on our brsdm. golden gamine 'white knight'.  Can't wait to see what that one looks like.  I should have pictures in a couple of weeks.

Bulb. Doris Dukes is on her second set of blooms.
From orchids
lc. (laeliocattleya) mini purple maikal is very pretty right now.  That's the orchid pictured in my blog header.
From orchids
This yellow and magenta lc. is fragrant and stunning, but the tag faded, so I don't know what the name is!  I'll have to scout the rest of the tags and make new ones for the faded ones before I can't read them.
From orchids
Onc. Lambada 'Cutey' has small flowers that take FOREVER to open, but are well worth the wait. 
From orchids
Our double angel trumpet took a beating last winter and took a while to recover, but rewarded us with one giant sized bloom. 
From Garden
A moonflower by the pond.  The fragrance is intoxicating.
From Garden


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