sunday blooms

Today was a perfect autumn day for central Florida. It wasn't so humid that you felt slapped in the face by a warm wet blanket when you stepped outside. The sun didn't scorch. Tonight, it may even dip into the 60's. Wayne and I spent some time fertilizing, pruning, repotting. We repotted a Madagascar Palm that was becoming top heavy in a too small pot. That took a heavy old blanket, thick leather welder's gloves and a trowel to loosen the roots. I also repotted an Amazon Lily that Tom from work traded me for a Voodoo Lily. I can't wait to see it bloom. Several orchids are blooming now. With something like 130 of them, several are always blooming!
From orchids
O. Sharry Baby has the aroma of chocolate covered cherries.
From orchids
V. Golmaco's blue magic has large blue flowers that last for weeks.
From orchids
C. Chocolate drop 'Volcano Queen' with its waxy shiny red petals is really stunning.
From Garden
Madagascar Palm in its new pot.
From Garden
These spines are REALLY sharp. Use thick leather gloves and wrap in an old blanket to move it!


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