drive-by shooting

I've been catching up on reading some of my favorite knitting blogs.  Anne Hanson's KnitSpot post featured photographs taken from a moving vehicle while on a trip through New York.  I thought about my other favorite knitting blogs and realize that all of them feature photography, not just pictures of knitting, but really good photographs by people who also knit.

Anne's post made me think about how I also carry my camera everywhere.  Shooting pictures from a moving vehicle is quite a bit easier with the automatic digital cameras available today.  I don't recommend taking pictures while behind the wheel, with the car in gear and traveling down the interstate at 75 mph, but I admit to doing it.  The following were taken while driving home from south Tampa to north Tampa on a stormy summer afternoon.  They were taken with a Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ3. Click on any of the pictures to go to my Picasa web album and see them larger.
From drive-by shooting
From drive-by shooting
From drive-by shooting
I took these pictures while a passenger when Wayne and I drove to Fort Pierce early one morning. We were on Hwy 60, I think, somewhere near Yeehaw Junction.
From drive-by shooting
Sunbeams and big rigs. What could be prettier?
From drive-by shooting
The following were taken in 2006 during a trip to visit David in Las Vegas. We drove up to the mountains and spotted wild horses. One of the foals had a perfect heart marking on his side.
From drive-by shooting
 Living in Florida for the last 30 years has made me miss mountains. I couldn't get enough of them while in Nevada. These were taken with a Pentax Optio 50.
From drive-by shooting
From drive-by shooting
From drive-by shooting
Somehow, the landscape looks even more beautiful in black and white.  This reminds me of a shot from an old Western movie before that awful colorization.
From drive-by shooting
The Panasonic Lumix is so simple to use, even an idiot can take perfect pictures.


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