2010 sparkle = 2011 clutter

I want to leave the shiny stuff up, but the rule (my rule) says it has to come down New Year's Day (or the day after if it's Sunday and I don't feel like doing it Saturday).  One last look before it all goes in the closet. Outside and in back by the pond, and the wreath I made.
From Blogger Pictures
From Blogger Pictures
From Blogger Pictures
Inside, our little tree, which will go outside for a while with some peanut butter pinecones for the birds and squirrels:
From Blogger Pictures
The fireplace mantel with the collection of Hallmark Harley-Davidson ornaments:
From Blogger Pictures
From Blogger Pictures
From Blogger Pictures
After cleaning out all of my knitting project bags, and deciding that I'm going to start fresh this year, I started another lace bookmark design and will probably post that this week.  Then I get to tackle the book my friends Jimi & Leon got me for xmas, Knitted Lace Designs of Herbert Neibling.  That was the nicest surprise.  Franklin, if my attempt at this lace is even half as good as yours, I'll be happy (that is if it doesn't drive me stark raving mad).

Happy New Year, everyone!


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