twilight garden part one

We spend much of our time at home outside in the back yard.  Evenings are my favorite time.  Sunset at Jimi and Leon's is spectacular.
From Garden
At my house, the water view is our little koi pond.  At night, red, blue and purple flowers in the garden disappear.  White flowers glow softly in moonlight.  I've been adding more and more white flowers and choosing many which will scent the evening garden.

Brugmansia, or Angel Trumpet not only have beautiful flowers but an intoxicating scent.
From Garden
Night blooming Jessamine isn't at all spectacular during the day, though it's a lovely shrub.  At night the tiny white flowers give off a powerful jasmine like scent.  Plant these at the periphery as they can be overpowering up close.
From Garden
Use white Vinca (periwinkle) for sunnier spots and impatiens for shade.  These annuals are perennials in Florida, self seeding.  They are super easy to root by cuttings.
From Garden
From Garden
Use white Caladiums and variegated spider plants to add sparkle with foliage.
From Garden
If you're in zone 9, night blooming cereus is a show stopper as is Moonflower vine (Ipomoea alba).
From Garden
 I made a little slide show of our moonflower opening at dusk.
These are just a few of many possible plant suggestions, and the ones I use in my Florida garden.  For many more, check out Lia Leendertz' book The Twilight Garden.


Such a beautiful collection of photos, makes me homesick for Fla. where I lived for many years. In KWest some people from Bahamas & Cuba would plant Angel's Trumpet near their front door to guard the threshold from trouble. Nicely done blog!
libraryleigh said…
That's a great idea! I've got a bunch of Angel Trumpet cuttings rooting now. I'm going to plant some by my front door. A little warding off of trouble can't hurt. I'm a transplant from New England to Florida. After 30 years here, I'm still thrilled by the plants I can grow here. I miss pussy-willows, lilac and lily-of-the-valley, though. Thank you for the kind comment, Robin.

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