Happy Birthday, Carolyn!
I was sifting through a tin full of Polaroid pictures and found this one of you and me in your backyard in March of 2003. It's the last time I saw snow, and didn't we have a little snowball fight after?
That was a rough year. Thanks for being there and helping me through it. You are one of the strongest women I know. You have more courage in a 5 foot frame than 6' 5" linebacker. While I waffle and procrastinate daily, you have absolute courage of your convictions and even managed to quit smoking. It's funny that we were born a day apart, grew up 15 miles away from each other, and didn't meet until we both moved to the same town in Florida. You're too far away now. I miss you. Have a wonderful birthday, my friend. Here are a couple of pictures of the yard. Wish you were here to help me weed and prune and play in the dirt.
This is the philodendron you left with me when you moved back north. It's outgrown the little clay pot it was in by quite a bit.
The back patio at dusk. Citronella candles lit, got my deet on. I raise a frosty beverage in a toast to your good health! Say hi to Ruth for me. Wayne says "gotothestoreforsgin". Love, Leigh