Banana cupcakes

I could weave in all of the ends of Liz's shawl OR make cupcakes with the overripe bananas I have. Hmmm. Cupcakes it is. The best banana bread recipe I've ever found is from Beard on Bread, by James Beard. I'll ice them with yellow icing and put smiley faces in black and bring them in for the library volunteers tomorrow. When I procrastinate, I do not waste time :-) Speaking of time wasters, I added a little something for you, Jimi. Scroll down.


Jimi K said…
Ooh Sudoku! Wait a minute, how is that wasting time? The slideshow makes this the most beautiful blog ever.
libraryleigh said…
Of course Sudoku is not a time waster. Neither is Spider Solitaire, right? They keep the mind sharp! And thank you for the compliment.
Eric said…
The comic strip Kathy once defined procrastintion as "a spontaneous reorganization of priorities"

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