underwater simian ghost photograph

I wanted to take a great picture of the record 4 blossoms on our Star of Zanzibar water lily in the koi pond.  I point the camera down at them and shoot.  Rather pedestrian, no imagination.  Wayne took my camera and knelt by the pond edge holding the camera just over the water and pointed across the top to the little waterfall.  Brilliant!

The flowers are beautiful, reflections superb, but the strangest part of the image is one we couldn't reproduce if we tried.  Wayne couldn't see the viewfinder, so didn't know that the large white koi we've named Moby was lurking under the surface in the lower right corner of the picture.  The pattern on Moby's head makes it look like a ghostly monkey face is floating just under the water's surface.  Click on the photo and you'll see.
From Garden


Mara Acoma said…
That's really cool and really freaky at the same time..... I'm glad you said it was Moby
Mara Acoma said…

Just to let you know I’ve nominated you for a blog award. You can find details on my blog at http://fantasiayarns.blogspot.com/2011/04/oooooo-award.html
libraryleigh said…
Cool! Do I now pass it on, following what you did in your post? Thanks!

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